World War II – The greatest societal upheaval inside two centuries. As with WWI, uniforms and kit changed as the war waged on as battlefield experience and in some cases supply problems dictated changes and simplification. IMS holds a large stock of uniforms and equipment for all major combatants in the Second World War from every phase of the conflict and in every theatre of operations.
Click the picture from your category of interest and see some of the choices available.

SS Officer, SD Division Security Police (1935-1941)
SS Enlisted Guard (1935-1941)
Afrika Korps/ DAK Enlisted (1941-42)
Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger/ Paratrooper (1944)
Hitlerjugend/ Hitler Youth (1933-1945)
Luftwaffe Sr. Officer (1939-1945)
Kriegsmarine Enlisted (1939-1945)
Kriegsmarine Enlisted - Shore Duties (1939-1945)
Kriegsmarine Officer (1939-1945)
Sturmabteilung/ SA Stormtroopers (1930s)
Waffen SS Mountain Troops/ Enlisted (1944)
Kriegsmarine U-Boat Commander (1939-1945)
Waffen SS Enlisted w/ M38 Cap (1940-1945)
Waffen SS Enlisted w/ M43 Cap (1940-1945)
Waffen SS Enlisted w/ Helmet (1940-1945)
Waffen SS Officer (1940-1945)