The uniforms of prisoners and their guards tend to change depending on the individual City, County or State involved – and are different again at the Federal level (City, Provincial and Federal levels in Canada.)
Different levels of courts also have their own dedicated court officers / bailiffs at each level as well, which also vary by locale. IMS can do most current and historical looks from stock on hand.

Prison Guard - Federal Bureau of Prisons - Current (Summer)
Prison Guard - Federal Bureau of Prisons - Current (Winter)
Prison Guard - California State Corrections (Current)
Prison Guard - Florida State Corrections (Current)
Prison Guard - Alcatraz (1950s-1960s)
Inmate - Alcatraz (1950s-1960s)
Inmate - Orange 2pc. Style (Current)
Inmate - Orange 1pc. Style (Current)
Security - CATSA (Canadian Airport Security)
Security - Global Protech (Generic Large Facility)
Supreme Court Justice - Canada (w/o Wig)
Supreme Court Justice - Canada (w/ Wig)